Friday, November 02, 2007

Halloween Fun!

Halloween is so much fun! I have lots of memories of Halloween as a child...carving pumpkins, toasting seeds, trick-or-treating, dressing up in fun costumes with my sister! For us, it was never a "Devil's Holiday," it was a chance for kids to be kids and for grown-ups to be kids, too! Of course, it was never as important as Christmas or Thanksgiving or Easter, but it was a different kind of special.

This year, for the first time in several years, we carved pumpkins. Oh, not just one. Mini-Me decided she wanted one for each of us. Including the cat.

Chloe's pumpkin was a pie pumpkin, because it was the perfect size for the family pet. Mini-Me decided she wanted to paint Chloe. First, we drew a kitty face. Then, Mini-Me made Pumpkin Chloe come to life with lots of color and care!

She also really wanted to dig in to the pumpkins this year...including getting all the slimy, goopy insides out! She did a great job, but I think her initial reaction to the feeling was just priceless:

She's usually such a girlie girl! I was very proud of her for putting her hands in those pumpkins. We were going to toast the seeds, but I think our pumpkins were a little dated since we waited so late in the season to buy them. So we opted to save that for next year! We scoured the internet for carving ideas, and found three perfect faces! One looks like Jack from A Nightmare Before Christmas, one is a silly ghost, and one is a creepy ghoul! We had so much fun carving them. Here is the finished product:

Mini-Me had originally wanted to be a cat for Halloween, but we never could find a costume she really liked, and I didn't have time to make one. Her second choice was the devil costume, which I was slightly opposed to at first. I decided that she could wear it for the school carnival, and for Halloween -- but NOT for the church festival! (She was a salsa dancer for that one.)

She turned out to be the cutest little devil I've ever seen!

We were really anxious for Halloween this year. As she gets older, it's so much fun to share her excitement as the various holidays approach! Now, we are seriously counting down for Thanksgiving. (Naturally, I haven't told her that I am actually counting down to Black favorite shopping day EVER!)