Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Goodness

I love Christmas. I always have. It's my absolute favorite time of the year. Frantic shopping leads to finding that PERFECT gift. Careful planning leads to delicious meals. Months of anticipation lead to wonderful memories of time shared with family and friends.

This year has been a bit of a funk -- a combined result of personal and work issues that all slammed down at once. I admit, I let it get the best of me. I allowed it to seep in and, on occasion, steal my joy.

But I have a beautiful 8-year-old who reminds me of the source of my joy, and the very reason why I love Christmas so much: Jesus. She wrote a letter to Santa at school that was published in the Tyler Paper, and the first thing she wrote was that she celebrates Christmas because it is Jesus' birthday. She reminds us as we are opening gifts that Jesus is the reason for our little party. She sings in her sweet voice songs about Jesus' birth. She can tell you the meaning behind every color and aspect of the Candy Cane as it relates to Jesus.

She reminds me to seek Jesus, and my joy is restored.

And so, today, as I sit in a sea of dirty dishes, torn wrapping paper, tiny bits of toy packaging, and a huge mound of new toys and clothes (as if we NEEDED any more), I feel joy.

I am joyful that I was able to spend a tiny sliver of my holidays with my family in Baton Rouge. The time always passes so fast when we are all together, but it is time I will always treasure. My family is amazing.

I am joyful that we are all happy and healthy for another year and counting. I know that we are blessed beyond measure.

I am joyful that I am gainfully employed, despite my constant complaining -- and that I am surrounded by my own little "family" among the cubicles. Our jobs are not easy, but whose are?

I am joyful that I have a church family that surrounds me with love and support and friendship and encouragement, and that I can literally see the Lord working there. I am joyful that Mission Tyler was able to rebuild the Jeffersons' home, just in time for a Christmas homecoming! God is so good!

I am joyful that I have a Saviour who loves me more than life itself.

And, of course, I must add some silliness in here: I am joyful that Greenberg Turkeys is located in Tyler, TX. Oprah and I don't have a lot in common, but she has featured these smoked turkeys on her list of Favorite Things in the past, and she is SO right. We last had a Greenberg turkey several years ago, and this year I decided to get another one. They are SO delicious, and require NO preparation aside from carving. That is a definite win-win combo for me.

Their website is www.gobblegobble.com, they'll ship anywhere in the U.S, and they ROCK. Just another little slice of Christmas Goodness.

Tomorrow, I return to the daily grind of estimating, and arguing, and angry people. But today, I feel joy. And I pray that the joy of Jesus will stay with me tomorrow and throughout the coming year.

Merry Christmas!!