Saturday, September 13, 2008

Take a Hike, Ike!

Hello from soggy East Texas!

I don't have any pictures to upload for this post. Fortunately, there isn't much to photograph in our area. We are still getting some pretty heavy "wispy" wind, and a constant drizzle, but we've not seen ANYTHING like we expected.

We've been tuned to MSNBC all day, and the footage from the destruction along the Gulf Coast is, once again, heartbreaking. It never ceases to amaze me how powerful nature can be. Incredible and awesome, but devastating and terrible at the same time. Landmarks that have stood for decades are gone in a blink. Homes and lives are turned upside-down with every crashing wave and howling wind.

And yet, the morons remain. I just have to vent a bit: WHO THE HECK TRIES TO RIDE OUT A HURRICANE ANYMORE?!?! This morning, I awoke to news that the local emergency agencies along the coast had received hundreds of calls throughout the night from people "begging for rescue." I'm sorry, but if you choose to stay until the last possible minute - in spite of numerous warnings as strong as "if you stay, you'll face certain death" - you don't get to call for help when the storm is half-way into landfall. In my opinion, you don't "deserve" rescue. That's not to say that your life is somehow worth less. But if there are people who are truly trapped in other areas, they should get priority. And emergency & rescue personnel should NOT have to risk their lives to save your crazy butt.

OK I'm done. For now. :)

ANYway, I've spoken with everyone in my office today except K2, and we are the only ones who still have power. In the words of my amazing 8-year-old, "we are blessed." So it appears that we were spared any damage or major weather activity here in the beautiful Piney Woods.

If that changes, I'll keep you posted. Meanwhile, please continue to keep those affected by Gustav and Ike in your thoughts and prayers. They've got a long road to recovery ahead....