Sunday, October 05, 2008

I heart eBay!

It's been a while since I've sold anything on eBay. It's usually clothes or shoes that Mini Me has outgrown, or random household items that aren't worth much. It's just a thrill to watch the price balloon...even if it's just a few dollars!

But THIS time is different. This time, our junk is actually worth something!!

When the Hubby upgraded his computer, we were left with several random computer parts. We also upgraded our phones recently. I'm not gonna lie and say I'm the neatest neat-freak around, because everyone who knows me knows that would be the most obvious fabrication ever spoken. But when I'm surrounded by wires, fans, and assorted shiny metal objects that obviously don't belong among my "decor," I just want to scream!

So I dusted off the eBay username and password, and started posting. At first, it was just one phone...just to see what we'd get. For your reference, a used Sony Ericsson Walkman phone is worth about $150.00! Who knew?!

That was it...I was hooked.

Two more cell phones...SOLD!

Then it was time to post the computer stuff. After an extended photo shoot, we were ready to sell. I decided to only post 2 or 3 items at a time, so I can stagger the auction end times (and the shipping). The first 3 went live last Sunday, and end today. Two more will end this week, and I have 2 more items to post today.

I have literally spent the last week (at work, at home, AND on the iPhone) constantly hitting "refresh." I can't help myself. It's an addiction!!

If you're interested, here's our seller page:

I'm not sure what I am going to do when everything has sold. I suppose I'll be tearing the house apart and shopping the clearance racks, scavenging for something cheap to sell!

I think I need intervention....