Friday, January 15, 2010

Random Thoughts and Weekend Plans

Tyler ISD takes some whacky holidays. We get a random day off about once a month. I think they call them "teacher work days" or some nonsense, but I'm looking out the window and I don't see any vehicles in the parking lot over there. Are they working from home?! We've always had a break on Martin Luther King Jr's birthday, but our school district decided to turn it into a 4-day weekend. So I decided to take a 4-day weekend, too! :)

Today, Madi and I are being lazy with two of our favorite people: Madi's BFF Baily, and Baily's baby brother, Lane. And it has been some serious lazy around here! All of us are still in our pj's, the girls slept 'til 9:15, and Lane is napping right now. We're waiting for him to wake up so we can play with him! It's pretty much a perfect day!

Tomorrow is the 2nd meeting of the Tyler Area 2010 Camaro Club! I have to admit, when these folks first contacted me, I laughed. A lot. I thought it was sooo silly, and I wasn't going to go. Madi talked me into it, because she wanted to see all of the other Camaros. (She's kind of a huge fan, now that we have one.) It was actually a lot of fun, and seeing all those cars together was pretty stinkin' cool! So I think we'll go tomorrow and see all of our friends (car and human), and check out our new additions. :)

Sunday is, of course, Cowboys Sunday, and we'll be hosting another party at our house. So fun!! My 3 favorite food groups will be represented: burgers and brats and junk food! Oh, and I love football. Have I mentioned that lately? GO COWBOYS!

Monday will be Casey Day. I'm cashing in my gift certificate for a one-hour massage, manicure, and deluxe pedicure. I love to be pampered. I am SO looking forward to Monday!

I hope you all enjoy your weekend as much as I will!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

It's Just Stuff

I was reminded this week of what it means to be a Good Samaritan.

A local man was cooking breakfast in his home when he heard a loud crash outside. The East Texas Deep Freeze we are currently living in had caused the road outside of his home to ice over, and a truck had left the roadway and flipped, coming to rest against a tree. He ran outside to check on the occupants of the truck and offer assistance.

In his hurried departure from his kitchen, he left a hot skillet on the stove. A few minutes after heading outside to help two complete strangers, he turned around to see his home engulfed in flames. Apparently the grease from the skillet ignited a fire in his kitchen, and within moments his entire home was consumed.

In an interview with local news reporters, he said that he had run inside to retreive his dog, and to move the skillet from the stove to stop the fire. The smoke was too thick and he had to get out. Aside from his dog, he lost everything. He had no insurance.

The driver and passenger of the truck were ok, but visibly shaken - possibly from the wreck, but more likely because of the complete act of selflessness that another human had just displayed.

In a follow up interview with the local man, who had returned to his home the next day to try to salvage something from the shell of his home, the reporter asked if he would do it again. He didn't hesitate, never stumbled - he said yes. Given the same circumstances with the same outcome, he would do it again.

This 60-year-old man, now homeless and without any worldly possessions except the clothes on his body and the dog by his side, taught me an incredible lesson.

It's just stuff. And it's not worth more than the safety of another human being.

Every time I get a new claim, I take a recorded statement from each of the involved parties. There are several questions about their personal info, the scene of the accident, and what happened. But there are two questions that I ask every time to which I rarely get the answer I'm hoping for: Were there any witnesses? Did anyone stop to help? Nine times out of ten, the answer is "no." NO?! Were people so busy that day that they forgot what it meant to be human?! To CARE about the safety and condition of people around them?

A man heard a crash outside of his house, stopped what he was doing, and ran outside to help. He could have stayed inside. He could have ignored the sound of the crash, or dismissed it as someone else's problem. But he didn't.

And his story touched my heart. So I am sharing it, in the hopes of maybe changing the way others react to the people and circumstances around them.

Monday, January 04, 2010

Pass It On

Madison and I enjoyed a UT-Tyler basketball game yesterday, courtesy of her (read: her father's) fabulous cookie dough selling skills. I didn't realize how much I know about basketball until I was seated next to an inquisitive 10-year-old who likes to know everything...about everything.

Lucky for her, I was in an "answering" mood!

She wanted to know all about scoring. Why are those worth 3, but those are only worth 2? How come that guy gets to stand there and shoot for free, and all those other guys have to just watch? Why do they get to grab the ball if it doesn't go in after the 2nd free shot, but not the 1st one?

And then there were the scoreboards, and all their fancy lights. What does the "B" mean? What about the arrow? What's a jump ball?

For nearly two hours, I shared with her every detail that I could think to tell her about the sport of basketball. I've spent an entire football season teaching her what I know about the pigskin. (Which honestly isn't much, compared to most. I didn't discover my love for football until about 4 years ago.) It wasn't that we sat down together and I schooled her on how to play - it just happened. She has questions, and I have answers. Usually.

It made me realize that, as parents, we are a wealth of information and knowledge just waiting to be summoned. I'm sure I've always known that, though sometimes I'm guilty of not taking the time to stop and share. But why do we wait for the questions before we share the answers? Why DON'T we take the time to share what we know at every opportunity?

I always struggle with "resolutions" as each new year begins. I don't like to place a time stamp on the changes or improvements I'd like to make in my life. I want them to be more than a cliche.

But as I sat next to my daughter, remembering what it was like to be so young and wide-eyed, and full of questions and life and open-mindedness, I realized that I MUST make a change. I must always remember to share what I know, to help shape her into a well-rounded, intelligent, thoughtful individual who will hopefully one day have the chance to pass on a small slice of what I've taught her.

I must always remember to pass it on....

I think we'll be taking advantage of every possible UT-Tyler sporting event. :)

Sunday, January 03, 2010

A New Year...a Renewed Me!

I know it's very cliche - everyone is "restarting" their blog as they welcome 2010. It's the "in" thing to do. All the cool kids are doing it. What can I say - I'm a lemming.

Actually, I'm not. I'm me. And I need to keep a record of the "me" that I am constantly becoming. Each year, as the calendar rolls to another January, I seem to remember less and less of the preceeding 11 months. As I get older, life seems to accelerate at a higher rate of speed. I can remember being on Christmas break as a kid in school - it felt like an eternity! There was plenty of time to play with friends, to explore new toys, to eat delicious food, to annoy my sister. The possibilities were limitless. Now I sit here wondering how in the world it is already January 3rd. And 2010?! Seriously?? How did THAT happen?

So on my honor, I will try to update this blog regularly. I won't call it a resolution. I'll call it a revolution, from the Latin revolutio, "a turn around." Hold on and enjoy the ride!

Monday, January 19, 2009


...of this blog is a direct result of my involvement with - nay, ADDICTION TO - Facebook!

If you have not yet been drawn into the time-sucking machine that is Facebook, you should join. Now. You will be amazed at the number of people that will find you. You will be amazed at how easy it is to keep up with all of the important people in your life, in one place! You'll be amazed at how dirty your house gets as you search feverishly for old friends and classmates! You'll be amazed at how glossy your eyes become after staring at a computer screen for hours on end. You'll be amazed at how much later you can stay up at night. You'll just be amazed.


Join Facebook.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

I heart eBay!

It's been a while since I've sold anything on eBay. It's usually clothes or shoes that Mini Me has outgrown, or random household items that aren't worth much. It's just a thrill to watch the price balloon...even if it's just a few dollars!

But THIS time is different. This time, our junk is actually worth something!!

When the Hubby upgraded his computer, we were left with several random computer parts. We also upgraded our phones recently. I'm not gonna lie and say I'm the neatest neat-freak around, because everyone who knows me knows that would be the most obvious fabrication ever spoken. But when I'm surrounded by wires, fans, and assorted shiny metal objects that obviously don't belong among my "decor," I just want to scream!

So I dusted off the eBay username and password, and started posting. At first, it was just one phone...just to see what we'd get. For your reference, a used Sony Ericsson Walkman phone is worth about $150.00! Who knew?!

That was it...I was hooked.

Two more cell phones...SOLD!

Then it was time to post the computer stuff. After an extended photo shoot, we were ready to sell. I decided to only post 2 or 3 items at a time, so I can stagger the auction end times (and the shipping). The first 3 went live last Sunday, and end today. Two more will end this week, and I have 2 more items to post today.

I have literally spent the last week (at work, at home, AND on the iPhone) constantly hitting "refresh." I can't help myself. It's an addiction!!

If you're interested, here's our seller page:

I'm not sure what I am going to do when everything has sold. I suppose I'll be tearing the house apart and shopping the clearance racks, scavenging for something cheap to sell!

I think I need intervention....

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Take a Hike, Ike!

Hello from soggy East Texas!

I don't have any pictures to upload for this post. Fortunately, there isn't much to photograph in our area. We are still getting some pretty heavy "wispy" wind, and a constant drizzle, but we've not seen ANYTHING like we expected.

We've been tuned to MSNBC all day, and the footage from the destruction along the Gulf Coast is, once again, heartbreaking. It never ceases to amaze me how powerful nature can be. Incredible and awesome, but devastating and terrible at the same time. Landmarks that have stood for decades are gone in a blink. Homes and lives are turned upside-down with every crashing wave and howling wind.

And yet, the morons remain. I just have to vent a bit: WHO THE HECK TRIES TO RIDE OUT A HURRICANE ANYMORE?!?! This morning, I awoke to news that the local emergency agencies along the coast had received hundreds of calls throughout the night from people "begging for rescue." I'm sorry, but if you choose to stay until the last possible minute - in spite of numerous warnings as strong as "if you stay, you'll face certain death" - you don't get to call for help when the storm is half-way into landfall. In my opinion, you don't "deserve" rescue. That's not to say that your life is somehow worth less. But if there are people who are truly trapped in other areas, they should get priority. And emergency & rescue personnel should NOT have to risk their lives to save your crazy butt.

OK I'm done. For now. :)

ANYway, I've spoken with everyone in my office today except K2, and we are the only ones who still have power. In the words of my amazing 8-year-old, "we are blessed." So it appears that we were spared any damage or major weather activity here in the beautiful Piney Woods.

If that changes, I'll keep you posted. Meanwhile, please continue to keep those affected by Gustav and Ike in your thoughts and prayers. They've got a long road to recovery ahead....