Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Our Wonderful Vacation

Mini-Me and I joined my Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother-In-Law, and 2 beautiful nieces for a fabulous vacation in Florida back in May. It has been YEARS since I've been on an actual vacation...and far too long since spending a full week of quality time with my family! In short, it was amazing. It was relaxing, peaceful, enlightening, special, memorable....perfect.

Mini-Me was especially excited to see the ocean for the first time. She was thrilled! Actually, I think she was completely overwhelmed at first. I guess it's tough for a six-year-old to grasp that a body of water can be SO BIG that you can't see the other shore! (After all...we're surrounded by trees, lakes and rivers in East Texas. Everything has a boundary.) She quickly overcame her awe and was ALL ABOUT jumping and splashing in the salty water. Unfortunately for her, I am ridiculously cautious and spent most of my time pacing the shore watching for sea creatures. Her Nana, Aunt, and Uncle made up for it, though...helping her stay above water, bouncing her in the waves. She loved it!

She also had a chance to do fun stuff, like swim in the pool and fly kites! We even buried the Uncle in the sand, but we'll spare him the agony of posting the picture on the internet! :)

Our vacation was amazing. There is so much to tell about it, and so many memories that we will always treasure. In fact, we're already looking forward to the next one! WE LOVE FLORIDA!

1 comment:

tallie lea said...

can't wait for next year! it is amazing what a week away to enjoy your family can do for you. next time, you are getting in the water! we can take turns on shark duty!