Sunday, August 13, 2006

When Ballerinas Turn Soccer Pro...

OK so maybe not "Pro" (yet), but Mini-Me is definitely kicking it up a notch with soccer! The child has never played before, but has begged to join a league for the past year or so. I caved. She's playing in the Upward Soccer league at church ( this fall.

On Saturday, they had skill evaluations to determine team placement. The goal is to make sure that each team is well-represented by all skill levels. She did great!! She started out with quick kicks against the wall, then moved on to dribbling in and out of cones. After that, she got to throw the ball toward a painted target, and then kick direct shots as the coach moved around the field. Next, she had to run and kick the ball as hard as she could down the field...and then, SPRINTS! She sprinted back and forth from line to line. She's pretty quick!!

She had a great time, and she is really excited about soccer! In fact, she's in the back yard right now..."practicing" with the girlie glittery soccer ball I bought for her today. I think it's about 101 degrees today? She has water bottles chilling in the fridge. Now THAT's dedication!


Anonymous said...

Hey, from the looks of the picture, she is a pro.....what great form!!! Looks like she's been playing for a while! Hey Mini-Me....I love ballerina's and girlie girl soccer players! Enjoy, sweetheart. Love you,

tallie lea said...

Looks like gabby is going to have to take up soccer if you guys are going to keep your twin status! Good Luck! Love, tallie