Thursday, August 17, 2006

Wrist Surgery - The Aftermath

It's done! Surgery went very well, no problems at all.

We got to the hospital at about 7:30 am, and I was in pre-op by 8:00. Husband and Mini-Me were allowed to stay with me in pre-op. By 8:40, they were ready to start the IV. Mini-Me practically had a panic attack, so she and Husband stepped outside the curtain.

Honestly, I was having a bit of a panic attack, too. I HATE needles, especially big ones. My steady heart rate of 76-78 spiked to 117 as soon as she said "IV." It was THE worst part of the whole ordeal! But I survived.

They gave Husband a hospital cell phone, so the surgeon could call him as the surgery was beginning, when it was finished, and when I was out of recovery. I thought that was pretty cool! Gone are the days of drama when the doctor comes to the waiting room and says, "she pulled through!" Now, it's a cell phone call. What a modern world we live in!

When they came to take me back to surgery, the nurse asked if I was ready for a good buzz. I said "sure," he injected the sleepy juice, and I was out. At about 10:15, I woke up in recovery.

I turns out that there WAS a cause for my cyst. Evidently, there was a tear in the tendon in my left wrist, and it was leaving just enough room for the fluid to leak out. The doctor repaired the tear and amputated the cyst, and now my hand is wrapped like a boxing glove. I get the stitches out on 8/24.

Because of the tendon repair, I now have to go to physical therapy, which will start on 8/25. I'm sure my boss is LOVING me right about now... :)

All in all, I am recovering well. The vicodin makes me nauseous...I tried to work today but the meds got the best of me, so I came home. Hopefully I can work tomorrow, though I suppose a little extra rest wouldn't hurt. We'll see.

On a positive note, I managed to shower, dry my hair, and get ready for work all by myself, with one hand!! I'm so proud!!

Thanks for all the prayers!

1 comment:

tallie lea said...

i'm so glad you pulled through! i am glad they found the problem and fixed it. it is comforting to know there was a reason for it and that it will not come back now! i love you and am still praying for your recovery!