Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Dawning of a New Decade

I'm 30! Wow, that's the first time I've typed that. I'm still not sure what to think about it. It looks kind of...odd. Not in a bad way, really. I suppose I'm just so familiar with the 20's after 10 years of them - 30 just seems a little out of place. A little too grown-up for me. :)

It hit me early this morning, when I logged on to the QuakeCon website. At the bottom of the forum, there is a list of people with birthdays on any given day. And there it was, staring at me: *SpICeY* (30). Ouch! Speaking of my fabulous QuakeCon many people get to say they had one of these on their birthday?!

That sign actually exists in Niceville, FL. Wow...I love it!

I'm actually quite excited about what the next 10 years hold in store for me. Time seems to have accelerated over the past few years, so I imagine that my 30's will be gone before I know it. I plan to embrace every second of them!

And besides, who says you have to let go of your youth when you turn 30? I don't feel a day over 29, and I certainly don't intend to act it! Life's too short to dwell on a number....

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The eBay bug strikes again...!

Every few months (normally with a season change, or, in this case, with a birthday coming up), we clean out Mini-Me's room. Clothes, toys, books...everything comes out, everything gets sorted into the "keep" or "discard" group, and the keepers get to move back in. Then we go through the cast-aways and decide what we can donate to Goodwill and what we can sell on eBay!! It's really a lot of fun!

So with the upcoming season change/birthday, the eBay bug has sunk its teeth in! It's unexplainable, really...the joy and fun that can result from watching your items turn into cash! Last night I listed 4 auctions, all for clothing items:

Go to, and paste these item numbers to check out our sales!

The last time we sold clothes on eBay, Mini-Me made over $60! This time, I'm taking a cut of the profits... :)