Sunday, August 26, 2007

Back-To-School Spa Night!

Mini Me is SO excited about school starting tomorrow. She is (quite literally) bouncing off the walls...or at least off the couches! We've been planning to have a little spa night for a few weeks, but time has just slipped away from us. So tonight, in honor of my precious angel's big step into the world of second grade tomorrow, we did it! (I had to find something to distract her!)

We tried to find a kids' face mask. You would think SOMEone would carry something catered toward kids. Uhhh no. We were sure that we would find something at Bath & Body Works. (After all, they have the American Girl line...which I highly recommend, by the way!) But no kids' face masks were to be found. The girls at B&BW told me that the all-natural olive face mask I have would be gentle enough for Mini Me, so we decided to give it a try!

I must say, she is quite the little spa diva. First, we cleansed our faces with Olay daily facials. We had a fabulous conversation about how to properly wash our faces without pulling at the skin, and she made sure to remind me to wash behind my ears. Then, it was time for the mask. I didn't want to put too much on her face, not knowing how her skin would react. She took one glance in the mirror and decided that it wasn't NEARLY dark enough for the picture, so we waited a few minutes to make sure she didn't have a nasty reaction, and then added a bit more for the sake of color!

After about five minutes (and a quick photo shoot), we washed the masks off. I taught her how to pat her face dry. She was amazed at how smooth her skin was, which she made sure to point out to her Daddy. He was thoroughly impressed!

I suppose every now and then I need a reminder of the simple joys of childhood. What seemed like a mundane task for me (washing my face? boring!) turned into a great adventure with her! She stops me in my tracks almost daily, and makes me do a quick self-check about what the next five or ten minutes of MY time can mean for US together. The moments I have with her are so precious, and so vital.

After all, this will be the only time we'll ever have a Night-Before-Second-Grade Spa Night!


Anonymous said...

Oh, how special!! That's a memory she won't forget. Sounds like so much fun - I wish I could have been there. Love you.

Anonymous said...

we had a spa night for my daughters 9th birthday & made our own chocolate facials. super easy to make & great on young girls skin.
Chocolate Facial Mask

This decadent mask is actually an excellent moisturizer -- it leaves your skin baby soft. Recommended for normal skin.

1/3 cup cocoa powder
3 tbsp. heavy cream
2 tsp. cottage cheese
¼ cup honey
3 tsp. oatmeal

Mix all ingredients together (a bullet blender is ideal) and smooth onto face. Relax for ten 10 minutes, then wash off with warm water.

tallie lea said...

you inspire me! will blog later.