Thursday, August 23, 2007

I just can't wait....

...for school to start!! Yes, I realize I am not actually IN school. But around this time every summer, I yearn for the schedule and structure of the school year!! I mean, don't get me wrong. Summer is AWESOME! I love to travel. I love vacations. I love to spend time with my family and friends. I even love the Texas heat! But my OCD self loves the school year.

Yesterday, we received the long-awaited postcard telling Mini-Me who her 2nd grade teacher will be. She will be entering the TARGET program, which is for Gifted and Talented students. They spend four days a week at their regular campus, and then one day a week at another campus studying an advanced subject. She is SO excited!!! Tomorrow is Meet The Teacher. I will be sure to post an update!

Our extra-curricular schedule is packed full of events, too! On Tuesdays, she will be taking dance again...only this time, we're tackling Hip Hop! (Thankfully, it is a Christian dance studio, so it will be focused on sharp movements and timing, and NOT on pelvic thrusts.)

On Wednesdays, she'll have GA's at church. It used to be on Sundays, but they are shuffling things around this year. Hopefully it'll work!

On Thursdays, it's soccer time again! Practices start the week of Labor Day. And this year, I got wrangled into being an Assistant Coach! Go Copperheads!!

So you see, my weeks practically plan themselves. The only thing left to worry about is what's for dinner. I can handle that. Most of the time. :)


tallie lea said...

routine, sweet routine. i'm with you sister. can't wait to hear about your first day!

Anonymous said...

My head is spinning from your routine!!! I know you can do it - you are superwoman!