Thursday, January 17, 2008

Building a Dream

Our new house has a footprint!

For those who may not know, we decided to build a new home. We love our current home, and know that it will be very difficult to leave. It's our first! However, we are definitely feeling the "growing pains" that are associated with children getting older and plans changing. We've looked around a bit to see what homes are available, but we've ultimately decided to build the home that fits us perfectly, and that will meet our needs for many, many years to come!

On Monday, our new home took shape! The footprint of the foundation was laid on January 14, and today the plumbing was routed. The post-tensioning cables have been dropped off at the property, so it looks like the foundation will be poured shortly after the plumbing is complete.

We are so excited!!

I think the biggest adjustment will be that Mini Me will be attending a different elementary school. She's slowly warming up to the idea, but she LOVES her current school. We all do! She especially loves the friends that she has there...and although she knows several kids who attend the new school, she is nervous about leaving the comforts of familiarity.

On a (VERY) positive note, this is the view from our house:

That big, beautiful building is Mini Me's new school!! I have ALWAYS wanted to live in walking distance to school. You can't get much closer than across the street!!

I'll keep you posted as the build progresses. In the meantime, please keep us in your prayers as we wait for a buyer for our current home.

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