Sunday, January 03, 2010

A New Year...a Renewed Me!

I know it's very cliche - everyone is "restarting" their blog as they welcome 2010. It's the "in" thing to do. All the cool kids are doing it. What can I say - I'm a lemming.

Actually, I'm not. I'm me. And I need to keep a record of the "me" that I am constantly becoming. Each year, as the calendar rolls to another January, I seem to remember less and less of the preceeding 11 months. As I get older, life seems to accelerate at a higher rate of speed. I can remember being on Christmas break as a kid in school - it felt like an eternity! There was plenty of time to play with friends, to explore new toys, to eat delicious food, to annoy my sister. The possibilities were limitless. Now I sit here wondering how in the world it is already January 3rd. And 2010?! Seriously?? How did THAT happen?

So on my honor, I will try to update this blog regularly. I won't call it a resolution. I'll call it a revolution, from the Latin revolutio, "a turn around." Hold on and enjoy the ride!

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