Monday, August 14, 2006

Ganglion Cysts

Ever heard of them? A mere 4 months ago, I had never heard the word "ganglion" in my life. Now, turns out I have one of these monsters growing on my left wrist! Joy!

The journey started over a year ago, when I noticed a little bump on my left wrist. I didn't think much of it. It didn't hurt, wasn't causing me any trouble. I figured I'd just leave it alone and it would go away.

No such luck.

By early May, it was getting a little too big for my comfort. I wanted to make sure it wasn't something serious, so I went to the doctor. That is when I learned that this affliction has a name: "ganglion cyst." Basically, it is a fluid-filled sac that juts out between the bones of my wrist. They don't know what causes them, or how to prevent them. They only know how to treat them. Kind of.

The doctor deadened the area and aspirated it by jamming a needle in my wrist and sucking out the fluid. Then he tells me "there's a 30% success 70% odds are that it'll come back. Good luck!" Needless to say, my little friend returned no more than 2 days later!

So I had an appointment with an ortho, who has scheduled surgery to remove the cyst. He ran some x-rays to make sure it wasn't something more serious. Then he explained that he would have to put me under general anesthetic, because the cyst is growing right over my vein, and if I somehow move during surgery I could basically slit my own wrist. Yippee!

I've never been under general anesthetic before, and I am a basketcase about it! I'm not even so worried about the surgery itself, or the recovery (during which I will have a splint on my left wrist for a week and won't be able to use that hand at all). So pray for me, please!

The surgery is Wednesday morning...I'll post an update when it's over!


Anonymous said...

You are in my prayers always. Don't be afraid. God will provide a skilled surgeon and everything will be ok. Trust in Him.
I wish I could be there with you. Know that I will be there in your heart. I love you, Mom

tallie lea said...

Enjoy the rest! Just joking. You are going to do fine! I will keep you in my prayers, and I know He will protect you. Hey- don't try to drive under the influence! he he he! I love you sis, and I wish I could be there.

Geoff said...

I just (8weeks ago today) had my ganglion removed from my left wrist, I had been ignoring it for 20yrs. It would come and go. I had one on right wrist but it went away. But the left this year got worse and worse, and it was time to do something when could hardley bend my wrist and it pained all the time.
It is still hurting after 8 weeks , and I can’t load my wrist at all, but the movement is better.
You can see my story at

Anonymous said...

I hope your surgery goes ok. I hope you get better soon.