Friday, October 26, 2007

Eight years...gone in a flash!

I honestly don't know where the time has gone! Mini Me turned EIGHT on Monday, and it seems like just yesterday she looked like this:

My beautiful baby girl is becoming my beautiful, strong, independent, intelligent young lady! Of course, she'll always be my baby girl, too. But she's just blossoming into this wonderful little person right before my eyes. It's just hard to believe eight years have passed.

The party was a blast! We had it at Build-A-Buddy, which was fabulous! Our hostesses were wonderful, and the girls had a really great time. They played tons of games...4 corners, Hokey Pokey, Freeze Dance, and of course The Limbo!

Her four very best friends were all able to make it to the party, so I think that really made it even more special! They danced and sang High School Musical songs and ate cake and laughed and played and danced some more! Ahhhhh to be a kid again!

After allowing me a one-year hiatus, Mini Me decided she wanted a homemade cake again. I intended to do a cut-out cake like I used to do, but time just snuck up on us (Rose Festival Queen's Tea on Friday afternoon, shopping with Grandma Friday evening, soccer game on Saturday morning, Party on Saturday afternoon...phew!). SO I did my best to try to draw a fluffy little girlie bear on her cake. It's no Picasso, but I was pretty proud of it!

And here is the Birthday Princess herself...Her Majesty...Mini Me!

It really was a wonderful birthday. By the time I blink again, another year will have passed. I've got to learn how to slow this time thing down....


Anonymous said...

What a precious princess! She gets more beautiful with each passing year. Looking at that baby pic, it seems only yesterday! Time does pass much too quickly. I love you, Mini-me.

tallie lea said...

happy birthday mini me. the present is on the way, i promise! nothing like making a birthday last for weeks, eh? love you!