Sunday, February 10, 2008

Moving Right Along...

I just wanted to update a few photos of the progress on the house.

The slab was poured last week, before the wretched weather set in. Fortunately, it had enough time to set/dry/whatever concrete does before the rain started.

The storms rolled through last weekend, and then on Tuesday the climax arrived -- with monster hail, wind gusts around 60 mph, and more...rain. Happy freakin' Mardi Gras!

Finally, on Thursday of this week, the framing started.

I couldn't get any good ones inside, because all of the supports are still in place. Once they remove those, I should be able to get some interior photos. Of course, you can't tell squat from a bunch of pictures of raw wood nailed together, but it's exciting to ME.

Yesterday, they built the stairs. That's a discernable feature. I'll try to take pictures SHOULD be able to tell what that is in a photo. :)

We've had a LOT of traffic through our current home. In fact, a couple looked at it yesterday and are wanting to put a contingency contract on it. YaY!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for y'all. I know you have been going by every day to check so I know how happy you must be to see such progress. I will keep praying for a buyer for your house - keep the faith! God is faithful. He is in control.
I can't wait to watch the progress through your blog. Thanks for sharing! Love you, Nana