Monday, January 04, 2010

Pass It On

Madison and I enjoyed a UT-Tyler basketball game yesterday, courtesy of her (read: her father's) fabulous cookie dough selling skills. I didn't realize how much I know about basketball until I was seated next to an inquisitive 10-year-old who likes to know everything...about everything.

Lucky for her, I was in an "answering" mood!

She wanted to know all about scoring. Why are those worth 3, but those are only worth 2? How come that guy gets to stand there and shoot for free, and all those other guys have to just watch? Why do they get to grab the ball if it doesn't go in after the 2nd free shot, but not the 1st one?

And then there were the scoreboards, and all their fancy lights. What does the "B" mean? What about the arrow? What's a jump ball?

For nearly two hours, I shared with her every detail that I could think to tell her about the sport of basketball. I've spent an entire football season teaching her what I know about the pigskin. (Which honestly isn't much, compared to most. I didn't discover my love for football until about 4 years ago.) It wasn't that we sat down together and I schooled her on how to play - it just happened. She has questions, and I have answers. Usually.

It made me realize that, as parents, we are a wealth of information and knowledge just waiting to be summoned. I'm sure I've always known that, though sometimes I'm guilty of not taking the time to stop and share. But why do we wait for the questions before we share the answers? Why DON'T we take the time to share what we know at every opportunity?

I always struggle with "resolutions" as each new year begins. I don't like to place a time stamp on the changes or improvements I'd like to make in my life. I want them to be more than a cliche.

But as I sat next to my daughter, remembering what it was like to be so young and wide-eyed, and full of questions and life and open-mindedness, I realized that I MUST make a change. I must always remember to share what I know, to help shape her into a well-rounded, intelligent, thoughtful individual who will hopefully one day have the chance to pass on a small slice of what I've taught her.

I must always remember to pass it on....

I think we'll be taking advantage of every possible UT-Tyler sporting event. :)


Amanda said...

Love it, and so glad you are blogging again! We'll have to keep each other on track! XOXO

Mom said...

I am really looking forward to enjoying this ride! I always loved reading your blog in the past. And by the way, you are an awesome writer.....perhaps you missed your calling :-) I love you!!